Actors have become quite the popular topic. Besides Erlang, there's a famous library implementation in Scala and at least 3 for Java. But the "no shared state" propaganda is setting people up for failure. In last week's exciting episode I defined both what state is and what it isn't. It is the fact that something responds differently to the same inputs over time. It is not the details of how that is represented. Based on that I can now show why saying that Erlang style actors don't share state is totally wrong headed - that, in fact, if you don't want to share state the actor model is a very clunky way of doing things.
Before I go on, let me emphasize that I like Erlang. I like actors, too. It's a very nifty model. But it's not a stateless model. Let me show what I'm ranting against:
The problem is that Erlang style actors can have shared, mutable (changeable), state. The model is all about shared state. If you didn't need to share mutable state then there are better alternatives than actors. And, importantly, even when you are using actors well you must think about all of the problems of shared mutable state. All of them. People who believe the propaganda are in for rude shocks.
The Situation
Last time I described a simple sock tube dispensing machine. Insert two coins, press the button, get a tube of socks. Insert too many coins and you get the extra coins returned. Push the button before you've inserted enough coins and you get nothing. Here's the diagram.

Imagine that Alice and Bob work at Crap Corp. ("Making High Quality Crap Since 1913"). Once a day they each like to saunter down to the break room and purchase a nice warm tube of socks. But, this is Crap Corp. and the machines don't take regular coins but Crap Corp. Coins instead. Each CCC weighs 40 pounds (very roughly 18.1436948 kilograms).
Naturally, Alice and Bob don't want to carry 80 pounds of crappy tokens around with them so they each laboriously drag a token down to a machine, insert it, walk back to their cubicle, grab another and repeat. Now, if Alice and Bob take their sock breaks at very different times that's probably going to work fine. But if they tend to overlap bad things happen. It's possible for Alice to insert her first coin, Bob to insert his first coin, Alice to insert her second coin and get an coin back (BONUS! she cries happily, experiencing the greatest joy she's ever experienced at Crap Corp.) So Alice pushes the button, gets her tube of socks, and merrily skips back to her cube. Well, maybe not skip exactly, but whatever you do when you're ecstatically happy while carrying 40 pounds of crap.
Then Bob shows up, inserts his second coin, eagerly smashes the button to get his well deserved tube of socks and ... gets nothing. Feeling cheated he pounds on the machine, kicks it, shakes it, and rocks it back and forth. Inevitably, the machine tips over, falls on Bob, and crushes him with all the tons of Crap Corp. Coins that have been inserted over the weeks. A tragic ending for somebody who just wanted some socks.
Now, that outcome isn't guaranteed even if Bob and Alice start about the same time. On the way to inserting her first coin Alice could be waylaid by the boss looking for his TPS report. As Alice patiently explains that a) TPS reports were never her job and b) they were discontinued three years ago and c) her eyes are on her face not her chest, Bob could have merrily taken the two coin trips and safely received a tube of socks without ever knowing the mortal injury he narrowly avoided.
Finally, Some Damn Code
Any time something unwanted can happen as the result of unpredictable delays, scheduler priorities, workload, etc you have a race condition. What could be more unwanted than being crushed by a vending machine? And what could be more unpredictable than a pointy haired boss? We can write this up exactly in Erlang.
In a file called sockmachine.erl. First, a little standard module definition and export business.
-export([start/0, insertcoin/1, pushbutton/1, test/2]).
Here are the guts of the machine. zerocoins(), onecoin(), and twocoins() are the states of the machine. When one is called it blocks, waiting for an message in its inbox. Based on the message it gets it responds with {nothing} if nothing happens, {coin} if it needs to return a coin, or {tubeofsocks} for the win. It also then calls the appropriate function for the next state - which might be the same state. These are all private functions not exported by the module. Note, there are more clever ways to write this - but for explanatory purposes I like this.
zerocoins() ->
{coin, From} ->
From ! {nothing},
{button, From} ->
From ! {nothing},
onecoin() ->
{coin, From} ->
From ! {nothing},
{button, From} ->
From ! {nothing},
twocoins() ->
{coin, From} ->
From ! {coin},
{button, From} ->
From ! {tubeofsocks},
Start spawns a new sock machine actor in the zerocoins state
start() -> spawn(fun() -> zerocoins() end).
insertcoin and pushbutton are rpc style convenience functions that insert a coin or push the button. Or did I get that backwards? Well, whichever, they each return whatever they recieve as a message back from the machine.
insertcoin(Machine) ->
Machine ! {coin, self()},
receive X -> X
pushbutton(Machine) ->
Machine ! {button, self()},
receive X -> X
Test spawns as many concurrent test loops as requested to simultaneously pound one machine.
test(Machine, Processes) ->
Processes > 0 ->
spawn(fun() -> testloop(Machine, 100) end),
test(Machine, Processes - 1);
true ->
io:format("all test processes launched~n")
Testloop repeatedly walks through the cycle of inserting 2 coins and pushing the button. It calls helper functions that mirror the state of the sock machine to show what it expects to happen at each step, complaining when things don't go well.
testloop(Process, Machine, Count) ->
Count > 0 -> testzerocoins(Process, Machine,Count);
true -> io:format("[~w] testing completed~n", [Process])
testzerocoins(Process, Machine, Count) ->
case insertcoin(Machine) of
{nothing} -> testonecoin(Process, Machine,Count);
{coin} ->
io:format("[~w] BONUS COIN!~n", [Process]),
testtwocoins(Process, Machine,Count)
testonecoin(Process, Machine, Count) ->
case insertcoin(Machine) of
{nothing} -> testtwocoins(Process, Machine,Count);
{coin} ->
io:format("[~w] BONUS COIN!~n", [Process]),
testtwocoins(Process, Machine,Count)
testtwocoins(Process, Machine, Count) ->
case pushbutton(Machine) of
{tubeofsocks} -> io:format("[~w] Got my socks.~n", [Process]);
{nothing} -> io:format("[~w] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH~n", [Process])
testloop(Process, Machine, Count - 1).
Now fire up erl, compile, start a machine, and test it with only 1 running test loop
1> c(sockmachine).
2> Machine = sockmachine:start().
3> sockmachine:test(Machine,1).
all test processes launched
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] Got my socks.
[1] testing completed
Ah, sweet, sweet success! But now run another test with 2 concurrent test loops. 1 = Bob, 2 = Alice...or was that the other way around?.
4> sockmachine:test(Machine,2).
all test processes launched
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] Got my socks.
[1] Blasted machine ate my money! Give it to me! Rattle, rattle, ARRRGGHGHHRHRHGH
[2] testing completed
[1] testing completed
It's a litany of socks, bonus coins and crushed intestines. On my machine it's an oddly predictable litany, but in a real, distributed Erlang app it would be much more interesting and random litany as network delays would emulate pointy haired bosses even better than Erlang's scheduler.
Some Last Notes
With Erlang style programming, actors are the central unit of statefulness. Multiple actors can share access to one stateful actor. Hence shared state, race conditions, and ruptured spleens. Am I saying that Erlang or actors are bad? No, in fact I quite like them. What the Erlang model does very nicely is separate that which must be stateful because it is concurrent from that which is more pure computation. By making state so much more painful to write than "foo.x = foo.x + 1" the actor model encourages you to think about the consequences of sharing it. It also cleanly mirrors the mechanics of distributed computing and asynchronous IO. It's nice, but it's not stateless.
One last note. I started with "actors are all about shared state." Naturally one might ask "well, what about stateless actors - actors that don't change state or depend on state via IO?" Certainly those are viable uses of actors. But that's no longer concurrency, that's parallelism and IMHO futures, data flow variables, and Haskell's data parallelism are all cleaner ways to deal with parallelism. Someday soon I hope to write about them. In the meantime, the whole point of having the complexity of message passing instead of those simpler mechanisms is precisely to deal with the complexity of concurrent state.
One really last note. Sadly, simple straight up actors don't automatically compose very well. You can design a set of actors that interact correctly for one use case but that don't interact at all well when plugged into a different system. This is another aspect that actors share with traditional manual locks and shared mutable memory. To date the best known way to deal with composable state is transactions (optimistic, pessimistic, distributed, compensating, software, hardware, database, whatever). There are very nice transactional capabilities available for Erlang, but this is yet another area where the "no shared state" mantra can lead people to think that actors are the entire answer without needing anything else.
Try not to get crushed and good luck with your socks!
It has been suggested in the comments that when people say that Erlang style actors don't share state they mean it doesn't share memory. First, I clearly defined state in the previous article as being different from its representation. But, just as importantly, I think that saying "we don't share memory" is a distinction without much relevance. It's mostly an implementor's point of view that doesn't reflect how a user must think about actors.
Here's some Erlang code for simple shared mutable variables. This isn't recommended Erlang usage, but it doesn't break the model in any way.
-export([malloc/0, fetch/1, store/2]).
malloc() -> spawn(fun() -> loop(0) end).
loop(Value) ->
{fetch, From} ->
From ! Value,
{store, NewValue} ->
fetch(Variable) ->
Variable ! {fetch, self()},
receive X -> X end.
store(Variable, Value) ->
Variable ! {store, Value}.
And here's me using it.
1> c(variable).
2> X = variable:malloc().
3> variable:store(X,42).
4> variable:fetch(X).
5> variable:store(X, variable:fetch(X) + 1).
6> variable:fetch(X).
And, since these variables are actors they are just as easy to share as my sock machine example.